
20 Friday Work Memes to Start Your Weekend Off Right

The work week has finally ended, but before you clock out and start your wild weekend, get a taste of these work memes. Freedom is sweeter when you understand the horrors you are being released from.

We all know that service workers everywhere continuously get the short end of the stick. But nothing is worse than when one Twitter user recounted how a customer demanded they redo their transaction so they could take off a $3 tip. Maybe the world deserves to burn? Aside from the customers, one punk OOTD influencer boss has been taking over the timeline. Imagine having your end-of-year review while your boss adjusts his multiple silver rings. And lastly, while we all toiled this entire week at work, there was that one unemployed friend who decided to message us at like 11 am about hanging out. Oh, to see the world through the eyes of someone who doesn’t need to commute at 8 am every day.

Scroll down and think of all the misadventures you can get into this weekend if you just pretend you are the unemployed friend.

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